Nov 5

[RINVIATO] SHARP: A Near-IR Multi-mode Spectrograph Conceived for the Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics Module MORFEO@ELT


Giovedì 23 novembre alle ore 15:00, il Dr. Paolo Saracco dell’INAF-OA Brera, Milano, terrà il seminario dal titolo “SHARP – A Near-IR Multi-mode Spectrograph Conceived for the Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics Module MORFEO@ELT”.


The world’s largest aperture combined with Adaptive Optics systems will enable the ELT to provide unparalleled data, sharper and deeper than JWST. For this reason, the spectrograph that will have the chance of occupying the 2nd port of the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) system MORFEO@ELT will be the most powerful and coveted instrument in the JWST era, the one able to see what others cannot. SHARP is a near-IR spectrograph (0.95-2.45 mu) designed for the 2nd port of MORFEO@ELT, intended to be submitted to ESO’s next call for new instruments. SHARP is composed of a Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS), NEXUS, and a multi-Integral Field Unit (mIFU), VESPER. The wavelength range extending up to ~2.45 mu coupled to the MCAO-assisted observing mode will provide near-IR spectroscopic observations with unprecedented high angular and spectral resolution, exceeding the limits currently set by NIRSpec at JWST. MORFEO-SHARP will allow us to study the nearby and the early Universe in unprecedented detail, resolving the physical properties of the first galaxies and the star forming regions within galaxies far back in cosmic time, as well as providing the spectra of individual nearby young stellar objects. In this talk I will introduce the scientific rationale behind SHARP, show its functionality and properties while inviting those who are interested to join the SHARP team. MORFEO-SHARP will take up the baton left by JWST when its mission ends.

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