PSF Reconstruction: the call for a blind PSF recovery
Giovedì 25 novembre alle ore 15:00, il Dr. Carmelo Arcidiacono dell’INAF-OA Padova, terrà il web-seminar dal titolo: PSF Reconstruction: the call for a blind PSF recovery.
The thirst for enhanced sensitivity brought to extremely sophisticated systems. The current paradigm for optical instrumentation is to design larger and larger telescopes properly armed with Adaptive Optics (AO) modules. Such effort caused an analogous complexity of the camera/spectrograph response. The ground-based PSF, which was seeing dependant, now is time-evolving and spatially varying on minutes and arcsecond scales, respectively. The stochastic behaviour of both the optical turbulence and the telescope vibrations corresponds to an unreliable PSF definition. A long time average may reduce the divergence with respect to predictions, reducing the problem to an accurate knowledge of the initial conditions. Accurate photometry and morphological studies require accurate PSF knowledge. The PSF information is mandatory, but the availability of point sources is not obvious since the field of view is typically small (tens of arcsec).
I will focus on the blind PSF-reconstruction. “Blind” because it applies to the cases when the PSF reference is not available: when the only viable way to build a PSF is to use complementary information made available by the observatory (seeing, wind speed) or by the AO instrument. These “telemetry” data offer the opportunity to reduce the PSF object to parameters describing turbulence statistics, AO loop, noise, vibrations and the optical train. I describe a possible method, in developing using the SOUL@LBT + LUCI imager couple as a reference application.
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