Present and future of the Sardinia Radio Telescope
Giovedì 8 aprile alle ore 15:00, il dr. Sergio Poppi dell’INAF Osservatoro Astronomico di Cagliari, terrà il web-seminar dal titolo: Present and future of the Sardinia Radio Telescope.
The Sardinia Radio Telescope is an INAF observing facility, sited in Sardinia in San Basilio, 40 Km northern of Cagliari. It is a 64-metre radio telescope with active surface, shaped optics and frequency agility, designed to operate up to 116 GHz. From 2018, observing time is offered to the scientific community with calls for proposals for the Italian Radio telescopes. Up to now, SRT is working at frequency from 305 MHz up to 26.5. GHz But recently, it has been selected within a PON tender to upgrade its infrastructure and, by mid 2022, SRT will be provided with new receivers at the highest frequency it is designed for. Also, new wide band backends will be installed together with a metrology system to measure and control the shape and position of its optics. SRT enhancements are about to give the astronomical community an unique opportunity to investigate many scientific cases, observing at a wide range of frequencies, from centimetric down to millimetric wavelengths.
Web-seminar ad accesso riservato.
VIDEO del SEMINARIO disponibile sul CANALE YouTube dell’Osservatorio Astronomico d’Abruzzo
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