Science with LOFAR
Giovedì 13 gennaio alle ore 15:00, il Dr. Gianfranco Brunetti dell’INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia (IRA) Bologna, terrà il web-seminar dal titolo: Science with LOFAR.
In this talk I will give an overview of the pan-European LOFAR array, that is currently the largest radio telescope observing at the low frequencies and the largest pathfinder of the SKA-low. I will try to illustrate the main technical and computational challenges underlying the functioning of LOFAR and the results from the main scientific programs in progress. LOFAR is opening a new observational window, potentially with an important impact in many fields. Among the most important is the study of non-thermal components and phenomena in galaxy clusters and large scale structures, which represents a field of growing interest at the crossroads between cosmology, astrophysics and plasma physics. In the second part of my talk I will focus on this field.
First I will briefly discuss the phenomenology of radio emission from galaxy clusters and the origin of relativistic particles and magnetic fields in these systems. Then I will focus on the important contribution of LOFAR observations in the field and on the prospects for the detection of cosmic filaments in the radio band.
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